Monday, July 26, 2010

Lambert's Cafe "Home of the Throwed Rolls" - Sikeston, MO, Foley, AL

Lambert's is a pretty big tourist attraction. I have visited the restaurant in Foley, AL and the original in Sikeston, MO. The few times I have gone both had a line out of the door and tour buses lined the parking lot. Lambert's gets a lot of hype as it has been featured on Travel Channel's Chowdown Countdown and ranked one of the best placed to pig out.

They claim to be "The home of the throwed rolls." It's always fun to catch the rolls and I have to say that Lambert's has the BEST rolls I have ever ate! They are so soft and buttery but also have a great texture and crust on the tops and bottom of the Rolls. The rolls alone are worth taking a trip to Lambert's.

As for the main entrees at Lambert's, they are not my personal favorite. The taste of the food is pretty standard and doesn't have the layers of flavors that I like. The unlimited pass arounds are great but I like meat and I judge a restaurants by the meat. So, like I said earlier, just standard. The portions are huge but who cares if the food isn't something I crave. The ham is too salty, the roast beef is o.k., and the salad is plain Jane. The best thing I have had there is the fried chicken but even that wasn't that memorable.

Overall Lambert's is worth a visit for the rolls but not repeatedly for the food. A trick I have learned for the one in Foley, AL is to enter through the souvenir shop into the dining room. You can then catch a roll and be on your way.

Taste - 3 of 5
Service - 5 of 5
Establishment Aura - 5 of 5

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